منتدى فرجيوة نت
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? 1011
منتدى فرجيوة نت
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? 1011
منتدى فرجيوة نت
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منتدى فرجيوة نت

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مركز تحميل المنتدى
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? UAk02148

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What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_rcapWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Voting_barWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_lcap 
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_rcapWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Voting_barWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_lcap 
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_rcapWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Voting_barWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_lcap 
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_rcapWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Voting_barWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_lcap 
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_rcapWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Voting_barWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_lcap 
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_rcapWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Voting_barWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_lcap 
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_rcapWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Voting_barWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_lcap 
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_rcapWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Voting_barWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_lcap 
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What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_rcapWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Voting_barWhat is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Vote_lcap 
المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
جميع فروض للفصل الاول والثاني مع الحلول للسنة الاولى ثانوي جذع مشترك علوم وتكنولوجيا
مذكرات مادة علوم الطبيعة و الحياة سنة ثانية ثانوي شعبة اداب و فلسفة
حلول تمارين كتاب الرياضيات للسنة 1 ثانوي جذع مشترك علوم وتكنولوجيا
جميع فروض الفصل الاول و الثاني مع الحلول السنة الثانية ثانوي علوم تجريبية
مجموعة إختبارات و فروض مع الحلول في جميع المواد السنة الثالثة متوسط
جميع فروض الفصل الاول و الثاني مع الحلول السنة الثانية ثانوي آداب فلسفة
مذكرات ودروس في مادة علوم طبيعية ( ثانية أداب وفلسفة ) المجال الثاني
فروض واختبارات للسنة الثانية
جميع فروض للفصل الاول والثاني مع الحلول في جميع المواد السنة 3م
حل تمارين الكتاب المدرسي رياضيات سنة اولى ثانوي من دليل الاستاذ
المتواجدون الآن ؟
ككل هناك 54 عُضو متصل حالياً :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 54 زائر

لا أحد

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 986 بتاريخ السبت 1 مارس 2014 - 18:59
تصفح اهم الجرائداليومية
What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Chork10What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Khab10What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Nahar10
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 What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL?

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رقم العضوية : 304
المزاج : What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Pi-ca-10
المهنة : What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Engine10
الجنس : What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Male10
عدد المساهمات : 353
نقاط : 994
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/03/2010
العمر : 42
كيف تعرفت إلينا : قوقل
إحترام القوانين : What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? Jpg116

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مُساهمةموضوع: What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL?   What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL? I_icon_minitimeالجمعة 30 يوليو 2010 - 0:53

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Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a generic term categorizing services provided over copper wire. DSL subscribers may receive high speed Internet service and other services bundled with the DSL package. When a service provider or ISP offers Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), the customer will receive service that is not guaranteed to be the same speed in both directions.For example, many ISPs advertise their Internet service with a download and an upload
speed, 1Mbps download and 256Kbps upload (or something similar). These
advertised speeds are rarely the same in both directions. This would be
the way that ADSL works, the upload and download speeds offered by the
ISP to subscribers is different and stated that way.
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DSL is more generic, implying any type of Digital Subscriber Line
service, from ADSL where the upload and download speeds are different,
to symmetric digital subscriber line (SDSL)
in which the upload and download speeds are the same. Service providers
are introducing new methods of ADSL style technologies, including
tiered pricing which allows the ISP to charge higher fees for more bandwidth
for either downloading, uploading, or both. ADSL is a specific type of
service sold to allow subscribers to connect to high speed data
networks. The majority of the DSL service sold for residential access
is ADSL.
DSL, no matter the flavor, has some vast benefits over the dial-up
technology used over the phone lines before it. The biggest, or most
seen benefit of DSL, is the ability to use the phone to make or receive
calls while connected to the Internet. With traditional dial-up
service, this was not possible without the use of a second phone line.
DSL accomplishes this by incorporating a filter on the phone jacks
in a location that will have telephones connected to them. The signals
on the wire under 4Khz are considered voice signals and anything above
4Khz is considered a data signal, the filter helps to ensure that these
signals never cross.
One downside to DSL is the proximity issue. The closer a
subscriber lives to the phone company’s central office (CO), the faster
the DSL (ADSL or other) connection will be. Subscribers who live
further away from the CO, but still within the reach of DSL service,
(as determined by the phone company) will have a slower connection to
the Internet. People living outside the predetermined boundary for DSL
service will not be eligible for DSL and other means of high speed
access will be needed.
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What is the Difference Between DSL and ADSL?
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